Share Your Fears With Mine
by Sarah Jean Alexander

We sat across from each other with our backs against the stones and the bottoms of our feet touching. I was your mirror and you were mine. I said, “One time I had a very good friend named Arielle,” and I told you about how Arielle and I worked together for a short amount of time before she left for school in a state that was far away from where we worked. I had only known her for 2 months and had not thought of her in over a year. I asked, “Do you ever try to remember all of the people you’ve forgotten?” You said, “I don’t know, I guess I figured people stop existing when they aren’t around me anymore,” and I said “Yes I feel that way about you.” A small gray stone wriggled free of the wall and hopped onto your shoulder, leaving a small hole of evening light shining directly onto my face. You leaned forward and touched the spot of light on my cheek and said “You are there,” and 5 minutes later, I nodded.
